Living with the Honor 8

As is often the case it takes a while to get to know a device and really be able to enjoy the full cabalities.
Having used the Honor 8 for a while it seems I have gelled with phone and it is an extension of me when out and about. 

I have really fallen for the monochrome cabality esoecially as it seems I sometimes see in black and white.

Walking, working and generally living in the capital region of Finland it has always been a habit of mine to document life and its beautiful moments.

The beautiful light in this city, the architecture, the people. Especially in the fall and spring the light is almost constantly in such a low degree that it casts beautiful shadows.

Indoors in Helsinki you can see the lovely architecture, this photo taken in a library testifies of that.

Or you can enjoy the lovely seaside in many places, often gazing upon fellow Finns basking in the sun, enjoying the calm serene moments of life. And the camera, the phone, always along for the ride.