
The Finnish summer has been one of rain and coldness. All in all, so far only 4 days which coul be categorized as warm days. Most of the time the temperature has been hovering under the +20 C mark and rain has been almost an everyday visitor. A huge contrast to the weather in most of Europe this summer.

Photograph Outcrop by Jere Ketola on 500px

This photo was taken in  the rain, that was so strong you could not see the otherside of the lake. In the photo it shows, but only barely.

A moment in time

The free-time I have currently has been diminishing all the time, and moments like this are rare and few between. That makes it even more welcome. The calm water, almost midnight and not a soul around. Just nature, wide open space and a lake. And me.

Photograph Lonely pier by Jere Ketola on 500px

The blog has been as silent as I have been busy. I am sorry for that, and I do mean to keep on writing and posting photos, but at the moment it is a bit difficult to say the least.