Gasoline for the mind

Coffee, that most important of beverages.

day 133

Sometimes, more often than not, it seems that one is a bit tired and needs something to reinvigorate the mind. Coffee to the rescue that to me is the primary solution.

I do know that coffee only helps for a while but still associated with the fact that it lets the mind relax and gives a bit of energy it helps me to focus.


Fratello Torrefazione is one of the new breed of proper coffee houses in Helsinki. Located in the renewed New Kluuvi  – shopping centre it is directly beside the main building of the University of Helsinki, and as such the place is a teeming with academics enjoying refreshments.

Fratello features its own baristas who make excellent coffee from fresh ground coffee.


I usually tend to enjoy the dark roasts that are not exactly the favorite of Finns per se, but I feel the mild coffee does not really taste well. Cappuccino is of course always a safe choice as well as Cafe au Lait.

Photo 22.3.2013 16.41.22 (1)

A chocolate muffin for a little taste of bakery to go along with the coffee.

Photo 22.3.2013 16.41.32 (1)

And freshly made Guatemalan blend of coffee, black with no sugar. Suprisingly there is no need to use milk with this coffee, even though I cannot abide most coffee without a bit of milk.

Fratello webpage here.

what coffees do you prefer?