A perfectly calm moment in Finland a few days before summer solstice.

Finnish summer has been so beautiful this year that it is hard to put to words, but maybe a simple image can convey some of that beauty?

As a curiosity this photo was taken with a Soviet lens called Helios 44-2, which is usually famous for swirly soft focus areas, but which I utilized as a landscape lens as it happened to be in the camera backpack 🙂

Brush strokes from heaven

The brush strokes from heavens by Jere Ketola on 500px.com

Summer has gone, autumn seems to change into winter terrificly fast. Life seems to travel at an ever faster pace. I guess I am living the time of life when there is just too much to do and so little time.

Work seems to be more and more hectic as well. Life going forward, but sometimes one would just like to stop and enjoy it too.


Feels like Summer to me

Curvy by Jere Ketola on 500px.com

Spring has come once more to this far northern land. Everywhere green seems to be sprouting out and the nature is so alive now. We have also been enjoying a rather warm may in general, with temperatures climbing over +20C.


Sunflower by Jere Ketola on 500px.com

Forests are full of flowers and the sun rises earlier and earlier and sets later and later. Soon it will be light all around the clock.


Abandonment by Jere Ketola on 500px.com

Forests have mysteries hidden in them, more often than not. Here an abandoned house in the midst of woods.

All photos taken with the lovely Canon G5X.





Reaching for the Heavens

Photograph Reaching for the heavens by Jere Ketola on 500px

Summer has finally arrived in Finland, with the temperature at last hovering closer to 25C every day. A couple of months late, but hey, I am glad it at least came.

With the onset of August the dark time has also returned, as the sun does set again and stays hidden for longer and longer. The upshot being of course that now one can see the stars and maybe even Aurora Borealis.