Winter Mood

Winter mood by Jere Ketola on

Snowy days came after the year changed. Cannot believe it s already 2017. The time seems to fly by so fast. I have changed jobs in November and it seems life is mostly Work -travel to home -sleep -travel to work -Work in tempo. Rare moments outside with a camera can be truly precious.

Hope you are having a wonderful start to the new year!



Water, giver of life

Water is essential to us humans, and indeed to life itself on this blue orb that we call earth.

Water, giver of life by Jere Ketola on

As spring has come, water is in its moving normal form once more after being all iced up. As a nature lover spring is a wonderful time to be outdoors, as leaves are springing out of trees, birds are singing everywhere and nature itself seems to be reborn after the harsh cold winter time.