Remembering summer

Seems that it always has been the truth. What, you may ask? That as one ages, time flies by ever faster. I have not been active on the blog as my life is so full of writing, traveling and working. It sometimes seems I do not even have time to photograph. And that, is just so you know, very alarming as photography has been my love for so many years. I have the urge to create, but not the energy or the time. However, I have still squezed in some of my all time favorite images in the last couple of years.

Sharing, can be difficult as well these days. Instagram has been the main platform so many years but it in effect has turned into a money making machine that does not care about the creators who alllowed it to grow.

Anyway, hopefully will be posting more again. Even thinking about making a proper exhibition at some point in Helsinki area. At least, that is the plan.

The rising storm by Jere Ketola on

One of last summers simple moments, in south-west Finland. A beautiful image at least in my mind. Hope you enjoy it as well.

A perfectly calm moment in Finland a few days before summer solstice.

Finnish summer has been so beautiful this year that it is hard to put to words, but maybe a simple image can convey some of that beauty?

As a curiosity this photo was taken with a Soviet lens called Helios 44-2, which is usually famous for swirly soft focus areas, but which I utilized as a landscape lens as it happened to be in the camera backpack 🙂

Olde Oaks

Oak in snowfall by Jere Ketola on

Old and gnarly, standing tall after over 300 years on this earth. The snow falling softly with the sun rising over the trees.

Landscape photography usually requires good scouting and good timing due to the nature of finding good light. Sometimes luck favors as well and the conditions are beautiful. Like on this instance, where for the photographer the weather was rather miserable, but I believe the end result is rather beautiful.

Amids the pandemic it was refreshing to be outdoors in a peaceful quiet spot and enjoying the beauty of Finnish nature.

Last Light

Last Light by Jere Ketola on

Spring is creeping along, slowly but summer and hopefully swimming is soon on the agenda again.

Due to the pandemic, my swimming hobby has been on hold for almost two months now. A shame as its my favorite sport to do. Swimming in lakes and the sea is not really an option yet, too cold to do much more than a few meter of swimming. Not really possible to swim for a kilometer or few as would be the preference.

Hope you are doing well, wherever you are! Lets hope this struggle with the flu will be over sooner than later.